It’s not very often that a book like The Geography of Bliss: one grump’s search for the happiest place in the world comes along. The author, Eric Weiner, travels the world searching for the happiest place to be. Before you say ‘meh,’ let me tell you now that this is no touchy-feely smiley-face emoticon book. This is a book that references several statistics, research studies in its methodical quest to determine which place is the happiest.
It raises several important questions, like what does it mean to be happy? And how does geogrphay impact this? How does geography affect how you define happiness?
It isn’t often that I devour a book whole, or to find strangers opening doors for me because I’ve been walking and reading simultaneously.
This is a book for the ‘thinking traveler,’ and is perfect to take along with you on your next vacation.
Get your copy of The Geography of Bliss today from one of these booksellers:
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